Tag Archives: Party Planning

Mardi Gras Masquerade Themed “Fat Tuesday” Dinner Party Tablescape Décor Ideas

This Mardi Gras Masquerade themed tablescape for a “Fat Tuesday” dinner party was instigated by the desire to go all out like the big Krewe celebrations in Louisiana… but on a tiny budget! Not finding what I wanted in a suitable price range, I opted to remix what I already owned and make the rest. It turned out to be even more cost effective than if I had gone with paper and plastic… which was not only more elegant, but better for the environment too. Use some of these ideas as inspiration for your own festive fête, and read my other article… DIY Fast & Easy Mardi Gras Glittered Napkin Rings Craft Tutorial (+ Ribbon Votives, Centerpiece, Free Place-card & Invitation Printables)… for craft instruction and free printables.


I organized my theme according to the traditional Mardi Gras colors of gold, purple, and green (representing power, justice, and faith respectively). Then I pulled out everything I had in glittery versions of those colors. I used a leftover fabric remnant as a festive table topper, and layered that with gold placemats and my grandmother’s gold-rimmed china (also seen here in my Christmas / New Year’s Eve tablescapes).


Atop that, I placed vintage green plates that matched my grandmothers crystal stemware. If there was ever a time to pull out fabulous drinking vessels… it would be for Fat Tuesday!


Echoing my printable Mardi Gras masquerade place-cards (which may also be used as invitation cards, get my free printable here) were sequin fleur-de-lis masks which were positioned on each setting, for reveler donning should the desire arise. I found an inexpensive set of 12 of these at Oriental Trading Company online. (Find a free shipping coupon from them at the link in the sidebar.) I added the 6 extra masks to the centerpiece as ornaments.


I wrapped green metallic washi tape across the decorative elements in my flatware to jazz them up for the occasion. Washi wrapping is an easy way to embellish your everyday utensils for a special occasion, and it is so much cheaper than buying a new set. (You can see the same technique used on the flatware in my Herb Themed Luncheon by viewing the picture in the Upcoming Projects Gallery in the sidebar.)


I didn’t have any napkin rings that would tie into my theme besides the gold varieties I had recently used this winter, so I made my own in a matter of minutes from glitter ribbon and washi tape. This is so much easier than it sounds! (Find my crafting instructions here.)


Squares of shiny fabric, purchased with a 40% off coupon, were used for napkins. A fleur-de-lis shape was achieved by first folding the gold square in half and pulling it through the ring forming a loop. I then folded the purple square in half and formed two loops which I subsequently pulled through the ring over the gold. Lastly, the uneven bottom edges were tucked under.


I made the centerpiece with trim from my Glitter-ween Party Décor (see it here) and a few new sprigs wrapped around a metal tree base. (Incidentally, I had previously painted this gold from its earlier pewter and bronze incarnations. (See how to use paint to change the color of metal and to age a piece in my upcoming lion fu-dog décor for Chinese New Year.)


The base of the tree was swathed in the same purple fabric remnant from Glitter-ween’s spooky tree, and then draped with yards of Mardi Gras trim. (See how to hike up a chandelier to accommodate a tall centerpiece here.)


Though it’s hard to tell from the pictures, the tree centerpiece actually didn’t obstruct any person to person viewing. This is why I only draped the bottom with some Mardi Gras necklaces and wrapped the trunk with ribbon.


I hung embroidered Christmas crown ornaments, snapped up at 10 cent clearance, along with glittered musical instruments, green mirror balls, and a mask garland. (See more on the centerpiece here.) I try to plan all my holiday themes in advance of the after Christmas sales to snag a year’s worth of décor deals at 90% off. I keep my theme collections in labeled bins that I add to as I accumulate finds so that I’m ready to craft and decorate when each holiday arrives.


Surrounding the tree are 4 standing glittered metal masks that I scored at a post-holiday clearance sale for less than 2 dollars each… no kidding folks. I couldn’t have made them for less. To do as I did, scope out this year’s merchandise then pounce as soon as it gets marked down. The purple mercury glass crown votive holders were also found this way for less than a dollar for all 3. I wrapped the other gold votive holders with the same ribbon as the tree trunk to customize them for the holiday. (See how easy it is to do that here.)


The side table has another clearance mask sign hanging near it on the wall. I placed a variety of my other mercury glass candlestick holders with swirling gold tapers to further accent the tablescape. A theme appropriate pot was filled with faux doubloons to add a dash of New Orleans to Texas. (These will reappear as pot-of-gold coins on St. Patrick’s Day.) All of this was set upon an extra placemat.


So you see, it’s really not difficult or expensive to celebrate Krewe-style with your own crew… just don’t forget to serve up that king cake!


Laissez les bon temps roules!

Faithfully Yours,


DIY Fast & Easy Mardi Gras Glittered Napkin Rings Craft Tutorial (+ Ribbon Votives, Centerpiece, Free Place-card & Invitation Printables)


Create your own elegant Mardi Gras themed glittered napkin rings for mere pennies with this fast and easy craft. The tutorial includes how to embellish votives to match your theme, free masquerade place-card and invitation printables, plus more details on the centerpiece from the Mardi Gras Masquerade Themed “Fat Tuesday” Dinner Party Tablescape Décor Ideas. These DIY projects are an easy and inexpensive way to bring the look of an authentic Krewe’s fête to your own crew!


The secret element to an inexpensive napkin ring form is the core of a wrapping paper roll. You can’t do better than free! Mark and cut sections that are smaller than the ribbon you choose to cover it with.


Then cut lengths of ribbon long enough to wrap around those cores.


Use hot glue to adhere a strip of ribbon around each core. Here I’ve chosen gold glitter ribbon to coordinate with my Mardi Gras theme. (You can see the same technique used on the rings in my Herb Themed Luncheon by viewing the picture in the Upcoming Projects Gallery in the sidebar.)


Next, I cut and attached layers of green and purple glitter washi tape in different widths atop the gold base. Layers of ribbon would have also worked well, but I already owned the perfect sized tape.


Read how to make your own fleur-de-lis shapes with napkins at the article on Mardi Gras Masquerade Themed “Fat Tuesday” Dinner Party Tablescape Décor Ideas.


I made all six napkin rings for way less than a dollar, in a matter of minutes, and they coordinated perfectly with my theme’s décor… Awesome!


Now for those ribbon votives… simply start with any type of votive holder or small jar. You can leave them plain or apply glitter paint to them. I went with gold glittered glass. Cut lengths of coordinating ribbon long enough to wrap around them and overlap. You can attach one end to the other with a dot of glue or double stick tape. Because my ribbon was wired, I merely twisted one side over the other like a twist-tie. (See more twisty ribbon action here on my DIY Rusted Rooster Chicken Wire Votive Holder Craft.)


In this way, I can unwrap the ribbons and reuse both them and the votives for a future holiday in a different way. I think they turned out great, and they literally took me minutes to complete… Yea!


Create a dramatic centerpiece without a lot of drama by merely starting with a basic tree form from another holiday. (For example, use a black one from Halloween or a white one from Easter.) I used a metal votive holding tree that I had previously painted gold from its earlier pewter and bronze incarnations. (See how to use paint to change the color of metal and to age a piece in my upcoming lion fu-dog décor for Chinese New Year.)


I wrapped it with trim from my Glitter-ween Party Décor (see it here) then added a few new sprigs.


I painted simple purple ball ornaments with a glitter mist (not the blast variety) to impart both gloss and glitter shine to the previously satin sheen.


I set these onto the rings that would normally hold the votive holders. (You’ll likely see these in a future article.)


I hung embroidered Christmas crown ornaments, snapped up at 10 cent clearance, along with glittered musical instruments, green mirror balls, and a mask garland. I even hung the same sequin fleur-de-lis masks used at each table setting as ornaments. I try to plan all my holiday themes I advance of the after Christmas sales to snag a year’s worth of décor deals at 90% off. I keep my theme collections in labeled bins that I add to as I accumulate finds so that I’m ready to craft and decorate when each holiday arrives.


Though it’s hard to tell from the pictures, the tree centerpiece actually didn’t obstruct any person to person viewing. This is why I only draped the bottom with some Mardi Gras necklaces and wrapped the trunk with the same ribbon I used on the votive holders.


The base of the tree was then swathed in the same purple fabric remnant from Glitter-ween’s spooky tree and draped with yards of Mardi Gras trim. (See how to hike up a chandelier to accommodate a tall centerpiece here.)


Surrounding that are 4 standing glittered metal masks that I scored at a post-holiday clearance sale for less than 2 dollars each… no kidding folks. I couldn’t have made them for less. To do as I did, scope out this year’s merchandise then pounce as soon as it gets marked down. The purple mercury glass crown votive holders were also found this way for less than a dollar for all 3… Score!


Last but definitely not least, are my free printable Mardi Gras masquerade place-cards which may also be used as invitation cards!


Simple right click on this small picture and select print. Print these in best color photo on thick cardstock.


Then simply cut on the solid black lines to separate the images for invitations. For place-cards, use the pictures a guide for how to cut out the top and crown while still making a tent folding card that will stand upright.


Poke a point into the paper just above the crown with a pointy pen, or compass point, etc. Use that as a starting point for your scissors to cut a V shape above the picture. Then cut one side close to the top and crown next to the image. Don’t cut all the way to the ends. Stop where the curve meets the flat top. Those flat parts are what join the front and back together. Then fold it in half. Cut through both pieces around the image. Again, a picture speaks a thousand words… use it as a visual guide.


Simply write names on the bottom with a gold sharpie marker or paint pen… Voila!


See more of my Mardi Gras Masquerade Themed “Fat Tuesday” Dinner Party Tablescape Décor Ideas here for more holiday inspiration!


Let the good times roll!

Faithfully Yours,


Chalkboard & Glitter Hearts Themed Valentine’s Day Party Buffet Décor Ideas (+ DIY & Printable Links)

Running with the idea that opposites attract, I decided to make a Valentine’s Day Party theme that incorporated both matte black chalkboard and glittery red hearts. The elements actually coordinated beautifully for a party theme that would suit a variety of age groups, or even just serve as a surprise for that special someone. The whole shebang was actually quite inexpensive to pull off, though happily I believe that doesn’t appear to be the case. You can either follow the links to make the fast and easy crafts yourself, or go shopping with the theme in mind.


After deciding on my theme, I actually found this adorable chalkboard Valentine fabric that also had glitter hearts. (You can find some for yourself at Hancock Fabrics or Fabric.com using coupons from the affiliate links in the sidebar.) I hung this up with clear thumbtacks.


I then strung my glitter hearts Valentine’s banner atop of this. I also attached another doily banner to the credenza itself with tiny tack nails. (The printable and instructions for both banners may be found by clicking here.)


I love incorporating ornament filled trees into holidays besides Christmas. Valentine’s Day is especially easy to do this with because it falls so quickly after on the calendar so that one may really take advantage of all those deep after-Christmas clearance sales. Some of the baubles on this tree were marked 90% off which left the cost at mere cents. The topper is a glittered sprig of holiday pine.


Some of you may recognize the black wooden tree from the Halloween Party. It looks really different when trimmed according to another theme. The conversation heart ornaments were made from white foam shapes (whose craft tutorial may be found here).


On the opposite side of the buffet, I made an arrangement that can be disassembled one heart wand at a time, to be given away as favors to departing guests. This is especially sweet when given as scepters to little Valentines princess party goers. (See the tutorial at the link here.)


I set all of these into a vase shaped like a thread spool twinned with glittery red flat yarn. It symbolizes the ties the bind… and is filled with hearts. Glass marbles contain the arranged wands yet allow for easy removal. These are topped with another variety of glittery yarn to conceal the marbles.


Other décor elements are the chalkboard sign crafts set onto easels (find tutorial here) alongside a store-bought slate that I was gifted with early. (Thanks Mom!)


A variety of gift bags and boxes overflowing with candy were nestled into the ensemble. The heart bags and mail boxes were machine cut from construction paper.


I included both oversized gems and tiny crystal hearts to fill in the empty spaces. I borrowed a bouquet of crepe paper roses that I had actually made for my mother years ago, and set these into a marble filled vase. I wrapped it with some leftover rope trim that coordinated with the theme, and set it atop an upturned boxy metal vessel. It’s really easy to create lifts and levels when one starts to think out-of-the-box and repurpose items for that other than which they were intended for.


The treat tower is actually comprised of two metal trays that I found on after Christmas clearance years ago. I simply stacked these by using an empty drink mix container wrapped with glittery fabric.


It was surprisingly stable, but you can add further assurance by hot gluing these for a temporary bond. A stronger adhesive would make the bond permanent. I stocked the tower with icing laden cookies, cupcakes, and candy cocktails.


The other platter was another clearance gem from over a decade ago. It’s a lovely red metallic reverse painted glass. You can mimic this with a lovely red charger in either acrylic or glass. More of the same sweet treats topped the dish plus some delectable chocolate covered cherries set into their own treat cups. Try this with truffles or even upside down cake pops.


I made my own treat pops with Peeps red speckled white “love birds” with chocolate bases. To make your own, simply poke a pilot hole with a skewer or tooth pick then jab in a paper straw. I chose adorable heart covered ones, and then set these into gumball packed vintage crystal vessels. Any solid candy would serve as well.


A non-alcoholic berry soda set into an ice bucket serves as equal-opportunity refreshment. The same red metallic plates that appear in the chalkboard sign crafts were placed front and center. Last but not least to complete the sweet buffet was the addition of candlelight. (Use LEDs if you fear sleeves catching fire or if you have young guests attending.) Red mercury glass votives were, you guessed it, purchased for mere cents post-Christmas. They really added to the ambiance of the whole setting.


♥ As you prepare for your own Valentine’s celebration… just remember to, “Keep calm & party on!”

Faithfully yours,


Fast & Easy Glitter Heart Wand Centerpiece, Foam Ornaments, & Faux Chalkboard Valentine’s Day Décor Craft Tutorials (+ Printable)


This mélange of fast and easy crafts were made to decorate a Valentine’s Day Party, but you can adapt them for any purpose you like. The faux chalkboard craft is an inexpensive way to decorate for the holiday, but also makes a quick Valentine for a love one. The chalkboard idea can also be extended to other favors quite easily. The glitter heart wands effortlessly gather into a dramatic centerpiece, and can be taken home as favors by each Valentine princess at the party. (Make these with foam hearts or my free printable from the Valentine’s Day banner craft.) Also, make Valentine ornaments with the kiddos in your life using foam Conversation hearts in a matter of minutes.


Let’s begin with the simplest project first, making Valentine ornaments out of foam conversation hearts from the craft store. (I used the white ones only, so as to coordinate with my theme colors, and reserved the other pastels for the candy-land themed party which will appear in an upcoming article.)


You can either glue the hearts back to back, sandwiching twine or thin ribbon between them, or simply tape twine loops to the heart backs. The latter is the quickest way to make them, and the easiest for a little one to help with.


(See these similarly on the How to Make an Assemblage Sculpture (= 3D Collage) for Your Valentine (Art Instruction / Craft Tutorial).)


The next project is a faux chalkboard sign, that also makes an inexpensive Valentine, using the unexpected material of a paper party plate. The square metallic disposable plates are lovely yet extremely budget friendly. Why not pick some up for the party and reserve one or two to fill in as décor.


Merely use dots of glue to layer square doilies onto the plates. Simply trim down the doilies to fit the smaller plate sizes.


Then cut a square of matte black cardstock to size, and glue atop the doily.


Use a white paint marker to write whichever sentiment, poem, or quote you wish.


Use a hole-punch to add 2 openings with which to slip a strand of coordinating ribbon through. Simply tie the two ends in a bow, which also serves to further decorate the sign.


Similarly, cut squares of black cardstock to adorn gift bags and boxes, using the same white paint marker to write your sentiment in “chalk”.  If the writing doesn’t seem clear enough, simply go over the letters until they do. The uneven edges make them look even more like chalk, but won’t come off on your clothing while delivering them to your recipient.


Moreover, in this way you can ride the chalkboard trend without spending as much on readymade tags, stickers, or chalkboard paint. (The bags I made were machine cut from construction paper then adorned.)


The last project is a centerpiece of glittery hearts meant to be taken home as party favors at the end of an event. You can even print, cut, and glue these onto tiny wooden dowels using my free printable at the end of the article.


I sandwiched a thin dowel between 2 glittered foam hearts with the aid of hot glue. The thinnest dowels are really easy to just snap in half where you want to section them. Trim with a bow of glitzy ribbon if you like. I used readymade glittered bows from an after Christmas clearance sale.


The open hearts were made from inexpensive styrofoam and red glitter blast spray. For the largest ones, I simply jabbed in a cut section of wire hanger as a handle, but a thin dowel would be better if gifting them. I added glittery bows to some of these as well. All of them will sit securely arranged in a vase filled with marbles. This way they can be easily pulled out one by one at the end of the celebration as favors. I just pilled on an unraveled skein of glittery red yarn atop the marbles to hide them.


♥ Happy Sweetheart’s Day!


Faithfully yours,



P.S. Here is the Glitter-Doily Heart Printable. Simply right click on the image and select Print. Print them in the best color photo setting.

2 Fast & Easy Valentine’s Day Banner Décor Craft Tutorials (Doily & Glitter Hearts + Printable)


These Valentine’s Day banner crafts are so fast and easy that even the busiest mama can make them with her little ones. The glitter heart and doily printable only needs the addition of letters to spell out any message you wish. The second banner is comprised of layered doilies and extra valentines. Both are so inexpensive yet add a lot of heartfelt sentiment and party atmosphere. Plus, they’re lightweight enough to stick in a big envelope and send to a loved one whose away for the holiday. You can even use the printables as stand-alone Valentine Cards!


First let’s make the doily valentine banner. This is a great project to use up any leftover schoolroom Valentine cards from your kiddo’s class. You can even save the received ones to make banners for next year’s celebration.


One only needs to add some low-cost paper doilies in varying sizes. I used leftovers from last year along with some Holly-Hobby Valentine Cards from my childhood.


Merely use dots of glue to layer the doilies and Valentines. Then add a ribbon bow for dimension.


Tie circles of twine, yarn, or ribbon through the holes in the doilies and knot together. Hang it up and enjoy!


The glitter heart and doily banner is one that can be easily made by two different methods. You can print and cut out all the glitter doily hearts you need, using my printable at the end of the article. You can also use inexpensive glittered foam hearts from the craft store, and use hot glue to layer white doily hearts onto them.


Either way, the next step is add letters spelling out any sentiment you’d like. I cut out letters with a machine from black card stock to coordinate with my chalkboard theme. You can also use a stencil to trace and hand cut them, or buy them readymade at the craft store. (Michaels has them in every color and texture you can think of. Click on the affiliate link in the side bar to snatch the latest coupons.) I added a knot of ribbon to each dip in the heart to further tie in with my theme’s color palette. Feel free to add any other elements you’d like from paper roses to stickers. (You can even skip the letters and let a kiddo color in pictures to use the printables as Valentine Cards.)


Next add holes to both sides of each heart with a hole-punch. Then use ribbon or twine to string them together. Add a loop at each end to hang the banners by. Voila!


♥ Happy Heart’s Day!

Faithfully yours,



P.S. Here is the Glitter-Doily Heart Printable. Simply right click on the image and select Print. Print them in the best color photo setting.

DIY Rusted Rooster Chicken Wire Votive Holder Craft


These votive holders were made to complement my Last Minute Cocorico Rooster Theme Dinner Party Décor Ideas, but you can easily craft them with plier/cutters and glue. The base is made of pre-rusted chicken wire “ribbon” (which may be substituted with chicken wire from the hardware store). Atop that are rusted rooster shapes (which are available online and at local craft stores… or made from scratch if you’re feeling super crafty). They can be lit by candle filled glass votives or LED tea-lights. It’s actually a very easy DIY project that just takes a little patience and elbow grease. Once made, they are lovely elements that can be pulled out anytime you need last minute dinner party décor to complement a simple chicken dinner.


Using a single roll of pre-rusted chicken wire “ribbon” saves time, because it already has 2 smoothed edges. If you can’t find this, regular chicken wire may be cut and bent over (toward the inside) at the top and base. Keep it naturally gray metallic or rust it with a liquid chemical solution. (There are several brands of liquid rust that may be found online or at a craft store.)


Use a glass votive as a measuring guide for wire length. Loosely wrap the chicken wire around the glass, overlapping it, and then cut the wires in a straight line. The extra length is needed for the tightening that occurs when joining the ends together later. This cut section may be used as a guide for cutting the rest. (The process would be the same for an LED tea-light candle.)


The next step is to twist the ends together, just as you would begin tying a shoelace, with one end over the other. Begin at one corner and continue the rest of the way, closing the cylinder like a zipper. (This was the part that took patience, so I “multi-tasked” by watching a movie while I twisted.) Pinch these joined ends together with pliers to completely tighten them.


I found many dozens of reasonably priced pre-rusted shapes online. There is a shape to suit any theme. Also, feel free to cut your own out of thin metal. I’ve cut butterflies from various types of thin sheet metal and also up-cycled shapes from aluminum cans. These can be painted to mimic rust. In the future, I’ll show you how to make “metal” shapes from paper (these of course would need to be used with LEDs). If you need a rooster shape for a template, just cut it out of the free invitation PDF from my Cocorico dinner party.

0106Leigh Glue the joined section of a wire cylinder to the underside of your rooster. Let this sit face down overnight. I used E6000 glue, because I wanted to ensure that it stuck together despite the rust. This stuff has glued down everything I have ever tried it on, so it’s a go-to product where other glues have failed. It does have fumes though, so use it in a well-ventilated space.


Slide candles into your newly handcrafted wire cages, and set on your table. Then light to delight!

Faithfully yours,


Easy No Cook Layered (N)ice-Cream Pie with Nut Crust Recipe (Vegan, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free)

This super easy no cook recipe can be made well in advance of any gathering, or just made to enjoy a slice at a time straight from the freezer. It’s also a great alternative to the parade of traditional office birthday cakes. It has a gluten-free nut crust that may be enjoyed by almost everyone, which is also why it’s written with dairy-free ice cream. It can easily be made with traditional dairy… but in this way vegans, allergy sufferers, and the lactose intolerant may happily partake. For this occasion, I used pint sizes of coconut milk “ice-cream”. (A mint chocolate chip pint was used here for the bottom layer, chocolate for the middle layer with the cherries, and coconut for the top layer with the chocolate chunks.) It’s richer than the almond milk variety (which is also tasty), and it always surprises people when I tell them it’s dairy-free. Previously, I’ve even used a gallon sized regular Neapolitan ice-cream and just split up the colors for the layers. You can use whatever you have left in the freezer or even add more layers! Add multiple kinds of nuts, chips, or chunks… whatever is in your pantry. For this recipe, no rules are just right! 69Leigh

  • 3 cups pecans (or pistachios, walnuts, macadamia nuts…)
  • 10 tablespoons extra-virgin coconut oil (or regular butter, dairy-free butter…)
  • 1 tablespoon turbinado sugar (or coconut sugar, brown sugar…)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 bag frozen sweet pitted cherries (or pitted fresh, 15 oz can in sugar syrup…)
  • 1 bag vegan dark chocolate mini-chunks (or dairy-free, traditional chocolate chips…)
  • 3 flavors/pints (here I used mint chocolate chip, chocolate, and coconut) dairy-free coconut milk “ice-cream” (or almond milk, soy milk, sugar-free, dairy milk ice cream…)



11Leigh Place the cherries in a strainer over a bowl, and set aside to drain. (The leftover cherry juice makes a great sweetener so you can add more greens to a smoothie!) 2Leigh Place the pecans in a quart size freezer bag (because it’s stronger than sandwich bags) and break them up using a kitchen-mallet/meat-tenderizer. It’s so much more fun than chopping! 3Leigh   Microwave the coconut oil in a glass bowl just until it softens. (Extra-virgin coconut oil is so good for the skin that it can even be found in the vitamin section of Whole Foods as a supplement.) 4Leigh Then add the crushed pecans, sugar, and cinnamon. 5Leigh Mix well, then pour/push into the bottom of a coconut oil “greased” springform pan. Smooth it out evenly with a spatula so that the entire bottom is covered. 7Leigh Place in freezer for at least 30 minutes, or until it feels frozen and solid. During this time, take out the mint chocolate chip to soften it. (Keep in mind that regular ice-cream melts quicker than vegan “ice-cream”, so if using the traditional stuff- take it out later!) 12Leigh When the nut crust is frozen and the quart has melted enough, smooth the “ice-cream” over the crust evenly with a spatula. Freeze the pan and take out the chocolate pint to melt. 013Leigh Spread the chocolate pint on when the previous layer has refrozen solid. Gently push the drained cherries into the “ice-cream” (= chocolate covered cherries). Freeze the pan again, and take out the coconut pint. 16Leigh When everything’s ready, spread on the last layer. Top this with the chocolate chunks & softly press them into the coconut “ice-cream”. 26Leigh Cover it and keep it frozen until it’s almost time for dessert. (Cutting through it is easier if you run the knife under hot water first.) 74Leigh It’s always great to have a stand-by gluten-free vegan desert recipe, so no one has to be left out of the fun. This easy one is a lot of fun to make with kiddos, as it has very little to measure and requires no knives until serving time. Any leftovers can be stored in the freezer and wrapped as individual slices for an occasional sweet-treat! Happy Un-birthday! 🙂 73Leigh Faithfully Yours,

Leigh 70NiceCreamPie-Leigh

Quick & Easy Informal Gathering Fondue Dessert Party Idea

One may easily spend the fall and winter bouncing from one holiday into the next, and often those celebrations are hosted at someone else’s abode. Why not extend thanks by inviting those friends and family to a small gathering that doesn’t involve candy, pumpkins, or trees. This easy fondue theme can be quickly pulled together the evening before. See my accompanying Quick & Easy Chocolate Coconut Fondue Recipe here. It takes about 5 minutes to prepare just before everyone arrives. It is vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free so no one has to be left out. (Just be sure to buy or prepare gluten and dairy-free items to dip also.) An informal dessert party can accommodate a larger number of people without adding more work, which is great not only during the busy holidays but at any time of year.


I chose the warm and inviting colors of purple and green in order to distance my theme from those traditionally used for the holidays. They were a lovely contrast to the ivory dishware and dark brown of the chocolate and leather. Color accents were seen in the throw pillows, trays, glassware, dishes, and even the foliage. It extended to the cloth napkins that were set on the coffee table and lazy-Susan. Adding the rotating tier not only eased food accessibility, but also created separation between the serving and eating areas which was visually more appealing.


Seated on an end table was a painted tray that contained a basket of coordinating napkins in wood beaded rings, a glass holding fondue skewers, and Portmeirion Pomona plates.


I only used the plates with the pear and fig motif because they matched so perfectly, but even pretty paper plates would be fine for such an informal gathering.


Another table held a larger tray with purple bubble glasses and a matching pitcher seated on a wooden riser. An ice bucket was placed on a taller stand behind that. A cloth napkin was draped to preemptively contain any spills. Preserved lavender sat in a painted pot to soften the visual edges.


All of the furniture was rotated, for the evening, in order to accommodate an easy flow. An ottoman and a ceramic stool added seating to the arrangement, without blocking pathways. Pillows in coordinating colors were pulled from other rooms, to temper the masses of brown leather. For a smaller group, one could even pull furniture from the room, and just use stacked floor cushions around a coffee table.


Even the rock fireplace was included as a focal point with the addition of candles on green glass. These were placed at varying levels by means of a trunk and upturned basket. Statuary, a birdcage, and small trees added height and interest. Why not switch accessories for a night?


The serving pieces are actually comprised of two different sets of dishware. The center group is a small fondue set placed on a wooden stand for height. The ring of dishes surrounding that was actually meant to coordinate with a plain bowl for hors d’oeuvres, but worked beautifully to present a larger volume of food. Round bowls would also have been lovely surrounding the chocolate center.


Whether you choose to serve on paper plates or fine china, change up your décor or leave it all the same, bake your sweet treats or buy them at the store… your guests will be treated to a relaxing evening filled with delightful confections and camaraderie.


Faithfully Yours,


Quick & Easy Chocolate Coconut Fondue Recipe (Vegan, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free)

This super easy yet delectable fondue recipe takes about 5 minutes to prepare from ingredients you probably already have in your pantry. It can be made last minute just before your guests arrive. It is vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free so no one has to be left out. (Just be sure to buy or prepare gluten and dairy-free items to dip also.) It’s so quick and tasty that it’s great for a family movie night, and you can make it as healthy or sinful as you like with your choice of foods to dip into it. You might even want to make some just for yourself. The coconut is great for your skin, so it’s less guilt rousing than breaking into that stash of Rocky Road!


~ 12 oz bag vegan semi-sweet chocolate chips (vegan = no milk fat added, but you can use whatever kind of chocolate chips you have on hand)

~ 2/3 cup coconut cream (from 1 can coconut milk, preferably organic)


There are a variety of chocolate chips to choose from, but the healthiest are the vegan varieties because they omit milk and butter fat (artery clogging and potential allergens). They are just as yummy… seriously. Many well-known companies add cheap sweeteners like corn syrup and milk fat solids to trick your taste buds into believing you’re getting more chocolate than you actually are. But chocolate ingredient labels may be used like “decoder rings” to tell you in advance just how authentic the product really is. Personally, I want to pay for real sugar and real chocolate, and not worry about anyone’s allergies.


Use your favorite brand of canned coconut milk to obtain the cream needed. Some recipes will advise you to refrigerate a can overnight, in order to separate the cream solids, but I’ve found that unnecessary unless you’ve stored it in a hot garage or had it in the trunk of your car. I just open it straight from the pantry and spoon out the thick part, leaving the liquid behind. For this recipe, don’t worry about strict amounts. Adding some liquid or using a few less chips won’t harm the taste (which is good because who can’t help “sampling” the chips before cooking).


Using coconut milk means not needing to bother with a double-boiler. Just use a ceramic or nonstick green pot because it helps dramatically with clean-up. Simply spoon in the coconut cream and stir constantly over low heat. It will liquefy when warmed.


Now add the chocolate, a little at a time, until it has melted down. Keep stirring to the bottom of the pot. It will thicken as all the chips are completely melted and mixed in.


Pour into the bowl of your fondue set. It will stay a thick warm dip so long as you keep a tea-light candle lit under it.


You may use any fruit or baked good you like, but please note that gluten-free is an all or nothing situation. Any glutinous crumbs left in the chocolate will contaminate it for any guests with celiac or wheat allergies. If you’d like to have both types of foods, you would need to separate a small bowl of fondue to keep it safely wheat-free. Although it’s become unfortunately popular to chide those going gluten-free, many are doing so without a choice. Serious health concerns must trump jokes made by uneducated individuals. Taking a little time in order to preserve the safety of a guest is a gracious blessing to anyone with allergies, and that concern is worth far more than any store bought gift.


Fruits such as sliced bananas, grapes, cherries, and strawberries are magnificent when dipped in chocolate and are a great alternative to the higher calorie baked goods. It’s an extra treat to include toasted coconut and chopped nuts to spoon onto the chocolate coated confections. (Just remember to ask your guests about tree nut allergies ahead of time.)


Most grocery stores have a gluten-free section, so it’s easy to include allergy free cookies that are ready-made. You can see two yummy varieties from “Enjoy-Life” pictured here. The brownies were quickly made from a gluten-free mix using shelf-stable “Ener-G Egg-Replacer” (1 egg = 1.5 teaspoons + 2 tablespoons warm water). Aside from being allergy friendly, the best thing about having replacer on hand is not running out of eggs, wondering if they’ve gone bad, or having to clean up potential salmonella germs. There are also many brands of gluten-free cake mix that may be baked successfully with egg-replacer. Just mix it, bake it, and cut it into dippable cubes. Or easier still… ask the bakery what they have available. Bon appétit!


See more from my Quick & Easy Informal Gathering Fondue Dessert Party Idea here!

Faithfully Yours,


Fall Leaves & Pumpkins Themed Thanksgiving Tablescape Décor Ideas

When I think of fall, images of brightly colored leaves and plump pumpkins immediately fill my mind’s eye. This was the initial inspiration behind this tablescape for Thanksgiving.


I craved more color than is typically seen in fall décor, and so added a tablecloth with a denim background.


The blue color perfectly balanced the orange of my pumpkin topiary crafts that I made for place-card holders.


More color was added with green plates and green crystal votive holders.


Deeply stained wooden bowls and chargers were utilized to reflect nature. Turning some upside down made stable pedestals for serving pieces.


I chose terra cotta to echo the pots of the topiaries and because the covered dishes would better retain the warmth of the meal. Little tassels tied to the handles softened the hard look of the pottery.


Wooden stands added interest and height to the tableware, thereby making the food the centerpiece. Bringing the floral out and the food in, contributed further to my untraditional Tablescape.


The silverware and golden basket weave glasses provided the finishing touches for the table, just as one would finish an outfit with jewelry.


After the salad course was served, the wooden pedestal hosted turkey slices that had been carved in the kitchen. This is a lovely alternative for round tables where the turkey would make up the entire centerpiece otherwise. This way, no one has to look at the carcass for the remainder of the meal, which is a blessing to any vegans who were invited.


This is my healthy quinoa pilaf stuffed patty pan “mini” squash recipe which is Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free so that everyone may happily partake of the meal. Ground meat may also be added to make a complete meal.


This is my quick and easy heart-healthy “shortcut cauli-potatoes” recipe that is also Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free. It’s great year round because it’s so healthy and so fast to prepare.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Faithfully Yours,
