Tag Archives: Allergy

“Heartbeats” (Heart Shaped Beet Root Chips / Croutons) & “Lettuce Turnip the Beet” (Pink Savory Herbed Avocado Yogurt Dip / Salad Dressing) Recipe (Healthy, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegan) AKA- Undercover Valentine Veggies!


This is the perfect Valentine savory snack for the picky eater who turns away from anything green or labeled as a healthy vegetable. Who can turn down trying an adorable hot pink heart chip, even if it is an undercover veggie! The avocado’s green is also disguised as pink and creamy yumminess thanks to a couple of healthy secrets, and the seasoning can be adjusted to any taste. It’s also easy to spoon out a bit of the dip into another bowl then turn up the flavor in the first one (hence the “let us turn up the beat” veggie pun in the title). Enjoy them as a healthy chip and dip combo, or make smaller “heartbeats” to use as croutons in a salad flavored by the dip as creamy dressing!


Heartbeat Chip Ingredients:

  • 3 beet roots (or as many as you’d like to make)
  • olive oil (enough to drizzle, & try any oil you prefer)
  • salt & pepper to sprinkle atop (or garlic salt, lemon pepper, no-salt seasoning, cinnamon & sugar, etc.)

Lettuce Turnip the Beet Dip Ingredients:

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 8 ounces unsweetened vegan coconut yogurt (or any unflavored yogurt, but note that “unsweetened” is less sweet than “plain”)
  • 1 ⅟₂ teaspoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon beet juice (or pomegranate juice)
  • herbs & spices according to taste, on this particular day I chose…

♥ ⅟₂ teaspoon ground white pepper

♥ ⅓ ground ginger

♥ ⅓ teaspoon ground coriander

♥ ⅓ teaspoon ground thyme

♥ 1 teaspoon granulated garlic

♥ ⅓ teaspoon salt

♥ + lots of cracked red peppercorns & black carbon sea salt for fiery garnish

… but you might want to omit the ginger, coriander, & thyme for a more traditional taste experience J

“Heartbeats” Chip Instructions:


First wash the beets roots thoroughly, and cut off the plant tops.


Then remove the tough outer part with a veggie peeler.


The best way to prepare beet chips is to use a mandolin kitchen tool to cut really thin slices. I have a beautiful stainless steel one that can be cleaned in the dishwasher, but I wanted to make sure that you could make these at home using a knife, cutting board, and old fashioned elbow-grease! It does take a little longer, but as you can see they turned out beautifully. They also took longer to bake because the slices were thicker. If you’re trying it this way, try to cut them as thin and uniformly as possible. You can also try cutting them with a food processor.


Once you have those cut, you can use cookie cutters to press shapes into the slices. I wanted hearts for Valentine’s Day, but you can choose any shape that will fit. Tiny flowers would make delightful pink chips and look lovely atop a spring salad like healthy croutons!Take the leftover bits and dice them further to spike another meal with vitamins. You can bake these into croutons for soup or salad, or steam them with some olive oil and seasoning to add to a pilaf or veggie mix.


Toss your cut out shapes (or plain slices) with olive oil in a bowl. Then spread out your lovelies on a parchment lined cookie sheet. Bake these in a 375ᵒ oven, to preserve the vitamins in your veggies, for 45 minutes to an hour. If you’ve cut these thicker, by hand, add cooking time. Thinner mandolin cuts will of course finish faster. Either way, I would advise checking on them often (by turning on the oven light, not opening the door).


About halfway through the cooking time, when the top side looks fairly done like this picture, take out the tray and flip them over before returning it to continue baking. If utilizing a dehydrator, cook them at 145ᵒ for 45 minutes then reduce heat to 115ᵒ for 24 hours until crunchy.


They’re done when crispy but not brittle. Blot these with a paper towel and sprinkle with your preferred seasonings. I used the same ones (cracked red peppercorns in a mill and black carbon sea salt) that I garnished the dip with. These not only showed up beautifully on the chips but also gave them an amazing fiery zing. You can even make sweet chips by sprinkling with cinnamon and sugar like a pink veggie buñuelo!


Enjoy the heartbeat chips by themselves or prepare this Avocado yogurt dip while they’re baking…

“Lettuce Turnip the Beet” Dip Instructions:


Wash and cut open a lovely ripe avocado. They’re best when just slightly softened to the touch. The easiest way to get the seed out is to whack it with a knife, twist, and pull it out in one motion. Slice the flesh into tiny crosshatch squares right in the shell, and then squeeze it into the bowl. (I do this all the time when making my “minute guacamole”, because it can then be smashed with a spoon into the side of the bowl very easily and quickly.)


Add the lemon juice and plain yogurt into the bowl along with your favorite mix of spices… or try my crazy combination. I love to cook by adding different flavors until it just tastes right… just remember to use different spoons with each tasting. No double dipping people! J If making this into a salad dressing, just add more yogurt, lemon juice… or both.


I used an immersion blender to completely emulsify and thicken the dip, but any good blender should be fine. Of course the “smash-against-the-side-of-the-bowl-with-the-back-of-a-big-spoon” method also works… it just burns more calories.


Spoon into a pretty dish and refrigerate until ready to eat. Garnish with a contrasting seasoning like these (cracked red peppercorns in a mill and black carbon sea salt) that also serve to turn up the flavor.


I have to admit that I enjoyed this recipe so much that I would have eaten the whole thing by myself (guilt-free) had I been alone. Next time, I will be making so much more!


Happy Heartbeating!

Faithfully Yours,


P.S. What are your favorite seasonings to add to dips & dressings? Tell me how you like to “turn up the flavor” in the comments section, and I may use them in a future recipe!

Quick & Easy Chocolate Bark & Dipped Strawberries with Toppings Recipe for Your Valentine (Gluten-Free, Vegan)


If you’re looking to make some sweets for your sweetheart but haven’t got a lot a time to get organized for a complicated recipe, then these Valentine concoctions are a sure bet. The fool-proof process is so quick and easy, that it really needs no hard-fast formula in order to turn out so delicioso! I tend to make both of the confections at the same time because they use identical shelf-stable ingredients (save one), but make two very different desserts that coordinate beautifully.  (If trying this, simply make the strawberries first then make bark out of the leftover ingredients.) Best of all, these are simple enough to be prepared by little ones, and can be made gluten-free and allergy-friendly for everyone to enjoy!



  • 1 bag of semi-sweet or dark chocolate chips- preferably gluten-free vegan (or candy coating chips in any color)
  • 1 basket of fresh strawberries to dip (or try dried pieces to place into bark)
  • any toppings you like (oven-toasted coconut, chopped pistachios or walnuts, sugar sprinkles, dried fruit, crushed peppermints, even a contrasting colored chocolate chip, etc…)



Fill a heat-proof vessel with the chocolate chips of your choice. (Candy coating turns out a bit smoother, but isn’t as healthy or allergy-friendly as gluten-free vegan chocolate morsels. It really is a matter of personal preference.)


Either stir the chips in a pot on the stove (as I did at this link for Quick & Easy Chocolate Coconut Fondue Recipe (Vegan, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free) where I write more about the available forms of chocolate) or microwave the chips in a bowl in 30 second bursts, stirring in between each.


I used the stove for the fondue and the microwave for the bark… again it’s up to you and how much time you have.

For the Chocolate Bark:


When the chips are completely melted to a liquid state, pour onto an aluminum lined cookie sheet.


Sprinkle your choice of toppings onto the still warm chocolate.


Gently press the larger toppings like coconut into the chocolate with the back of your fingers. (Smaller bits like sprinkles don’t need any pressing.) Either allow this to harden on the counter or in the refrigerator.


This is the fun part… when it’s solid to the touch, take one end and break it by attempting to fold it in half.


Repeat this with all sections until you’re left with decent sized chunks of yumminess then plate it for company… after reserving a few bites for immediate consumption!

For the Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries:


Wash the strawberries well, then let them air dry on a paper towel, or pat them dry completely before dipping.


When the chips are melted thoroughly with no chucky bits left, merely hold your strawberries by the green tops and dip into the chocolate. After completely enrobing it, turn the wrist to let the last drip catch back onto the fruit.


Then spoon chopped toppings or sprinkles over the still warm chocolate. Gently press any large chunks into place, and then set it aside to dry and harden.


You can either place the completed strawberries onto aluminum foil and transfer them to a pretty plate later, or do as I’ve done and save a step by dishing them immediately to dry on the platter they will be served on. I always begin with the prettiest of the berries, and when I find that the platter is full… eat the rest!


🙂 Happy Chocolate err… Valentine’s Day!

Faithfully Yours,


P.S. A personal note on washing strawberries to dispel any old-fashioned notions regarding such… I promise that cleansing them of dirt and germs will in no way injure the fruit. In fact, they look even lovelier when truly clean. Wiping them with a towel only serves to redistribute bacteria. (The same can be said of mushrooms, which are often grown in actual manure.) For those of you who are thinking, “Well of course I wash my produce”… I’ve actually had this disagreement with a chef from a very popular up-scale restaurant that only reuses a towel on strawberries and mushrooms. (I hear they don’t wash the salad greens either, and never the lemons before cutting them.) So please forgive me, but with the recent listeria outbreak on caramel apples, I felt compelled to write a little about this now. Here are a few links for anyone who doesn’t want to take my word for it:




Healthy “One-Pot” Cocorico Roasted Chicken (or Turkey) & Root Vegetables Recipe

Making healthy roasted chicken and root vegetables is so easy with a Cocorico Roaster. I love to use mine as an easy “one-pot” wonder that presents beautifully from oven-to table. The night before a long day, I can peel the veggies and add herbs so it only needs to put it in the oven for a hardy home-cooked meal. Larger roasters will also accommodate a small turkey for the holidays.


  • 1 roasting chicken (or turkey, in a size that will fit your Cocorico roaster)
  • 2 teaspoons thyme
  • 2 teaspoons rosemary
  • 1 fresh lemon
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt (or to taste)
  • Olive oil (enough to coat chicken & drizzle a little over veggies)

Multicolored root vegetables in season (enough to fill the cocorico base):

  • ~1 pound carrots
  • ~3 beets
  • ~2 parsnips
  • ~1 bunch radishes
  • ~1 or 2 pounds fingerling (or new) potatoes
  • (& turnips if you have better luck than I did finding good ones)


Cocorico roasters in glazed terra cotta are available locally and online. I ordered mine from Napa Style because it was the biggest I’ve seen, and also had a larger turkey cone that fit over the chicken cone. Soak the whole thing under water at least 30 minutes before cooking. This prevents any heat damage to the vessel. I saturate mine in a bleached clean sink.


Preheat your oven to 400ᵒ, while you soak the roaster and prep your veggies. There are a beautiful variety of purple, orange, red, and white root vegetables available. Peel and cut them into about 2 inch chunks to ensure even cooking. Some recipes will advise you boil potatoes ahead of roasting, but I’ve found that to be completely unnecessary if you buy small fingerlings. They roast just like baked fries. They’re prettier, easier, and quicker… so save the big ones for baked potatoes. Radishes may seem like an odd choice for roasting, but they completely change character after cooking. They mellow out, losing their sharpness and spicy heat. I really do prefer them this way.


Place these in a bowl with herbs and add just the smallest drizzle of olive oil. (The chicken juices will flow over the veggies while cooking thus providing more flavor.) Squeeze a little of your lemon over the veggies, and save the rest to place inside the chicken cavity before setting over the roasting cone. Add sea salt and toss to coat everything well. This may be done ahead of time, just cover the bowl and refrigerate it until needed.


Many recipes will also instruct you to wash chicken inside and out before cooking, but I read a study that found it only served to spread dangerous bacteria all over your kitchen. Thorough cooking will kill bacteria while rinsing will not. Drain the fluid and remove any extra gifts left in the cavity (neck, gizzard, giblets). Then set the chicken onto the soaked Cocorico. Other recipes will also say to do this with the legs up and trussed, but this is really subjective to the size of your roasting cone versus the size of your bird. I used a smaller chicken in the pictures, which would have been physically impossible to set upside down. It cooked beautifully and tasted great. Just place the chicken whichever way you can get it onto the cone. It’s really hard to mess up dinner with a Cocorico!


Roast in the oven at 400ᵒ for about 15 minutes, and then reduce it to 375ᵒ for an hour longer (for ~4 lb chicken). Because every oven heats differently, the safest way to cook is with a meat thermometer. Place it in the thickest part of the thigh, but not to the bone. www.foodsafety.gov says 165ᵒ is poultry’s magic number! I’ve also read to rotate the Cocorico every 15 minutes. Thinking of how heavy it was, how that would let heat escape, what else I could spend my time accomplishing, and burn potential… I decided to forgo that. Once again, the simplest way proved itself. The chickens turned out exactly the same.


Use a serving spoon to gently toss the roasted veggies, so that the juices are fully distributed. It’s easiest to serve the veggies first and then carve into the meat, using the newly empty well to hold the pieces. Or it can all be transferred to other serving dishes… but I prefer to avoid washing extra tableware, and the filled Cocorico looks so lovely. If trying this, be sure to use adequate hot pads beneath it.


In the past, I’ve saved time by omitting the oil and placing the roots directly into the Cocorico. When it finished cooking, I would sprinkle fresh herbs and orange juice over the top, stirring it right in the roaster. Whichever way you chose to prepare it, with whatever vegetables, with either chicken or turkey, and legs cooked up or down… Cocorico roasters make it all turn out so beautifully! (See this for yourself at the link: Last Minute Cocorico Rooster Theme Dinner Party Décor Ideas.) So think about getting one for yourself, and leave the “beer-can chicken” to the tailgaters! 🙂


Faithfully Yours,


Easy No Cook Layered (N)ice-Cream Pie with Nut Crust Recipe (Vegan, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free)

This super easy no cook recipe can be made well in advance of any gathering, or just made to enjoy a slice at a time straight from the freezer. It’s also a great alternative to the parade of traditional office birthday cakes. It has a gluten-free nut crust that may be enjoyed by almost everyone, which is also why it’s written with dairy-free ice cream. It can easily be made with traditional dairy… but in this way vegans, allergy sufferers, and the lactose intolerant may happily partake. For this occasion, I used pint sizes of coconut milk “ice-cream”. (A mint chocolate chip pint was used here for the bottom layer, chocolate for the middle layer with the cherries, and coconut for the top layer with the chocolate chunks.) It’s richer than the almond milk variety (which is also tasty), and it always surprises people when I tell them it’s dairy-free. Previously, I’ve even used a gallon sized regular Neapolitan ice-cream and just split up the colors for the layers. You can use whatever you have left in the freezer or even add more layers! Add multiple kinds of nuts, chips, or chunks… whatever is in your pantry. For this recipe, no rules are just right! 69Leigh

  • 3 cups pecans (or pistachios, walnuts, macadamia nuts…)
  • 10 tablespoons extra-virgin coconut oil (or regular butter, dairy-free butter…)
  • 1 tablespoon turbinado sugar (or coconut sugar, brown sugar…)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 bag frozen sweet pitted cherries (or pitted fresh, 15 oz can in sugar syrup…)
  • 1 bag vegan dark chocolate mini-chunks (or dairy-free, traditional chocolate chips…)
  • 3 flavors/pints (here I used mint chocolate chip, chocolate, and coconut) dairy-free coconut milk “ice-cream” (or almond milk, soy milk, sugar-free, dairy milk ice cream…)



11Leigh Place the cherries in a strainer over a bowl, and set aside to drain. (The leftover cherry juice makes a great sweetener so you can add more greens to a smoothie!) 2Leigh Place the pecans in a quart size freezer bag (because it’s stronger than sandwich bags) and break them up using a kitchen-mallet/meat-tenderizer. It’s so much more fun than chopping! 3Leigh   Microwave the coconut oil in a glass bowl just until it softens. (Extra-virgin coconut oil is so good for the skin that it can even be found in the vitamin section of Whole Foods as a supplement.) 4Leigh Then add the crushed pecans, sugar, and cinnamon. 5Leigh Mix well, then pour/push into the bottom of a coconut oil “greased” springform pan. Smooth it out evenly with a spatula so that the entire bottom is covered. 7Leigh Place in freezer for at least 30 minutes, or until it feels frozen and solid. During this time, take out the mint chocolate chip to soften it. (Keep in mind that regular ice-cream melts quicker than vegan “ice-cream”, so if using the traditional stuff- take it out later!) 12Leigh When the nut crust is frozen and the quart has melted enough, smooth the “ice-cream” over the crust evenly with a spatula. Freeze the pan and take out the chocolate pint to melt. 013Leigh Spread the chocolate pint on when the previous layer has refrozen solid. Gently push the drained cherries into the “ice-cream” (= chocolate covered cherries). Freeze the pan again, and take out the coconut pint. 16Leigh When everything’s ready, spread on the last layer. Top this with the chocolate chunks & softly press them into the coconut “ice-cream”. 26Leigh Cover it and keep it frozen until it’s almost time for dessert. (Cutting through it is easier if you run the knife under hot water first.) 74Leigh It’s always great to have a stand-by gluten-free vegan desert recipe, so no one has to be left out of the fun. This easy one is a lot of fun to make with kiddos, as it has very little to measure and requires no knives until serving time. Any leftovers can be stored in the freezer and wrapped as individual slices for an occasional sweet-treat! Happy Un-birthday! 🙂 73Leigh Faithfully Yours,

Leigh 70NiceCreamPie-Leigh

Quick & Easy Informal Gathering Fondue Dessert Party Idea

One may easily spend the fall and winter bouncing from one holiday into the next, and often those celebrations are hosted at someone else’s abode. Why not extend thanks by inviting those friends and family to a small gathering that doesn’t involve candy, pumpkins, or trees. This easy fondue theme can be quickly pulled together the evening before. See my accompanying Quick & Easy Chocolate Coconut Fondue Recipe here. It takes about 5 minutes to prepare just before everyone arrives. It is vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free so no one has to be left out. (Just be sure to buy or prepare gluten and dairy-free items to dip also.) An informal dessert party can accommodate a larger number of people without adding more work, which is great not only during the busy holidays but at any time of year.


I chose the warm and inviting colors of purple and green in order to distance my theme from those traditionally used for the holidays. They were a lovely contrast to the ivory dishware and dark brown of the chocolate and leather. Color accents were seen in the throw pillows, trays, glassware, dishes, and even the foliage. It extended to the cloth napkins that were set on the coffee table and lazy-Susan. Adding the rotating tier not only eased food accessibility, but also created separation between the serving and eating areas which was visually more appealing.


Seated on an end table was a painted tray that contained a basket of coordinating napkins in wood beaded rings, a glass holding fondue skewers, and Portmeirion Pomona plates.


I only used the plates with the pear and fig motif because they matched so perfectly, but even pretty paper plates would be fine for such an informal gathering.


Another table held a larger tray with purple bubble glasses and a matching pitcher seated on a wooden riser. An ice bucket was placed on a taller stand behind that. A cloth napkin was draped to preemptively contain any spills. Preserved lavender sat in a painted pot to soften the visual edges.


All of the furniture was rotated, for the evening, in order to accommodate an easy flow. An ottoman and a ceramic stool added seating to the arrangement, without blocking pathways. Pillows in coordinating colors were pulled from other rooms, to temper the masses of brown leather. For a smaller group, one could even pull furniture from the room, and just use stacked floor cushions around a coffee table.


Even the rock fireplace was included as a focal point with the addition of candles on green glass. These were placed at varying levels by means of a trunk and upturned basket. Statuary, a birdcage, and small trees added height and interest. Why not switch accessories for a night?


The serving pieces are actually comprised of two different sets of dishware. The center group is a small fondue set placed on a wooden stand for height. The ring of dishes surrounding that was actually meant to coordinate with a plain bowl for hors d’oeuvres, but worked beautifully to present a larger volume of food. Round bowls would also have been lovely surrounding the chocolate center.


Whether you choose to serve on paper plates or fine china, change up your décor or leave it all the same, bake your sweet treats or buy them at the store… your guests will be treated to a relaxing evening filled with delightful confections and camaraderie.


Faithfully Yours,


Quick & Easy Chocolate Coconut Fondue Recipe (Vegan, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free)

This super easy yet delectable fondue recipe takes about 5 minutes to prepare from ingredients you probably already have in your pantry. It can be made last minute just before your guests arrive. It is vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free so no one has to be left out. (Just be sure to buy or prepare gluten and dairy-free items to dip also.) It’s so quick and tasty that it’s great for a family movie night, and you can make it as healthy or sinful as you like with your choice of foods to dip into it. You might even want to make some just for yourself. The coconut is great for your skin, so it’s less guilt rousing than breaking into that stash of Rocky Road!


~ 12 oz bag vegan semi-sweet chocolate chips (vegan = no milk fat added, but you can use whatever kind of chocolate chips you have on hand)

~ 2/3 cup coconut cream (from 1 can coconut milk, preferably organic)


There are a variety of chocolate chips to choose from, but the healthiest are the vegan varieties because they omit milk and butter fat (artery clogging and potential allergens). They are just as yummy… seriously. Many well-known companies add cheap sweeteners like corn syrup and milk fat solids to trick your taste buds into believing you’re getting more chocolate than you actually are. But chocolate ingredient labels may be used like “decoder rings” to tell you in advance just how authentic the product really is. Personally, I want to pay for real sugar and real chocolate, and not worry about anyone’s allergies.


Use your favorite brand of canned coconut milk to obtain the cream needed. Some recipes will advise you to refrigerate a can overnight, in order to separate the cream solids, but I’ve found that unnecessary unless you’ve stored it in a hot garage or had it in the trunk of your car. I just open it straight from the pantry and spoon out the thick part, leaving the liquid behind. For this recipe, don’t worry about strict amounts. Adding some liquid or using a few less chips won’t harm the taste (which is good because who can’t help “sampling” the chips before cooking).


Using coconut milk means not needing to bother with a double-boiler. Just use a ceramic or nonstick green pot because it helps dramatically with clean-up. Simply spoon in the coconut cream and stir constantly over low heat. It will liquefy when warmed.


Now add the chocolate, a little at a time, until it has melted down. Keep stirring to the bottom of the pot. It will thicken as all the chips are completely melted and mixed in.


Pour into the bowl of your fondue set. It will stay a thick warm dip so long as you keep a tea-light candle lit under it.


You may use any fruit or baked good you like, but please note that gluten-free is an all or nothing situation. Any glutinous crumbs left in the chocolate will contaminate it for any guests with celiac or wheat allergies. If you’d like to have both types of foods, you would need to separate a small bowl of fondue to keep it safely wheat-free. Although it’s become unfortunately popular to chide those going gluten-free, many are doing so without a choice. Serious health concerns must trump jokes made by uneducated individuals. Taking a little time in order to preserve the safety of a guest is a gracious blessing to anyone with allergies, and that concern is worth far more than any store bought gift.


Fruits such as sliced bananas, grapes, cherries, and strawberries are magnificent when dipped in chocolate and are a great alternative to the higher calorie baked goods. It’s an extra treat to include toasted coconut and chopped nuts to spoon onto the chocolate coated confections. (Just remember to ask your guests about tree nut allergies ahead of time.)


Most grocery stores have a gluten-free section, so it’s easy to include allergy free cookies that are ready-made. You can see two yummy varieties from “Enjoy-Life” pictured here. The brownies were quickly made from a gluten-free mix using shelf-stable “Ener-G Egg-Replacer” (1 egg = 1.5 teaspoons + 2 tablespoons warm water). Aside from being allergy friendly, the best thing about having replacer on hand is not running out of eggs, wondering if they’ve gone bad, or having to clean up potential salmonella germs. There are also many brands of gluten-free cake mix that may be baked successfully with egg-replacer. Just mix it, bake it, and cut it into dippable cubes. Or easier still… ask the bakery what they have available. Bon appétit!


See more from my Quick & Easy Informal Gathering Fondue Dessert Party Idea here!

Faithfully Yours,


Quick & Easy “Shortcut” Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes Recipe (Heart-Healthy & Dairy-Free)

Just about everyone likes mashed potatoes, but not everyone can enjoy eating them guilt-free. And who has time to gather and prepare all the ingredients then boil and mash the potatoes into smooth perfection? This super quick and easy recipe uses mostly shelf-stable pantry items, so it can be made last minute. It takes into account allergies and other health concerns by omitting all the saturated fats from dairy… which will satisfy the gluten-free vegans as well. Calories are also cut dramatically by adding cauliflower. This recipe for “Short-Cut Cauli-Potatoes” even fooled my Grandmother into eating her veggies. She’s enjoyed eating her way to losing about 70 pounds!

  • 1 head cauliflower
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tablespoon dehydrated chopped onion (= shortcut)
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic powder (= shortcut)
  • 1 tablespoon dried parsley (+ more for garnish = shortcut)
  • 1 teaspoon salt (adjust for taste or health needs)
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil (heart healthy)
  • 1 cup Potato Buds (secret ingredient shortcut = dehydrated potatoes in a box)


Separate the cauliflower head into small sections and wash well. Place in a pot with 2 cups of water. (This amount is important because we do not drain it, which also helps retain the vitamins.) Add the onion as well.


Place covered over medium heat for about 15 minutes (or until cauliflower is soft and tender).


Use an immersion blender to “soupify” the veggies. Mix in the potato buds a little at a time, until thoroughly blended. Add the rest of your spices and olive oil.


Place in a pretty covered dish and garnish with more parsley. No one had ever guessed they’re made from dehydrated potatoes, but I guess my secret shortcut is out now! Just don’t tell Grandma 🙂 Bon appétit!


Pictured is another great recipe for Fall, my Quinoa Pilaf Stuffed Patty Pan “Mini” Squash Recipe (Healthy, Gluten-Free & Dairy Free) 🙂

And see more of my Fall Leaves & Pumpkins Themed Thanksgiving Tablescape Décor Ideas here.

Faithfully Yours,



Savory Sweet Potato Tortas Recipe (Gluten-Free, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free)

Allergy Friendly: Dairy-Free, Egg-Free, Gluten-Free

Makes About: 8 (4 inch) Tortas

 This simple gluten-free recipe is vitamin packed and quick to prepare. These incredibly versatile savory sweet potato tortas may be topped with anything your palette desires, as the sweet potato taste doesn’t overpower. Eat them as a satisfying lunch, with a salad for dinner, or as sweet hotcakes for breakfast. It makes an efficient brunch menu as everything may be prepared and served at once. You can also make tiny tortas as appetizers.

The completed tortas are pictured with my Dairy-Free Egg-free Turkey Salad, but you can also turn them into Sweet Potato Hotcakes by omitting the salt and adding 1 tablespoon of sugar. Serve them hot and drizzled with maple syrup and topped with toasted pecans or walnuts.

Faithfully Yours,


  • 15 oz can organic unsweetened sweet potato purée (or purée 2 cups of sweet potato)
  • 1 cup gluten-free multi-purpose flour (for non-gluten-free use 1 cup AP wheat flour)
  • 1 teaspoon salt


Preheat oven to 375ᵒ F. Trim parchment to line 2 cookie sheets with. Gather the ingredients.


Mix sweet potato purée with flour and salt until smooth.


The mixture will thicken and lighten in color. It should stick to the spatula.


Spoon the dough into similar sized dollops onto parchment. Evenly smooth each into about a 4 inch circle with a silicone spatula (as if icing a cake). Don’t worry about making them look perfectly round… the artisanal look is in!


Bake approximately 20 minutes, depending on your oven’s temperament!


Using parchment paper keeps the underside of the tortas from browning or sticking too much. It also speeds up the cleaning afterward, which is especially great when you have guests.


The completed tortas are pictured with my Dairy-Free Egg-free Turkey Salad.


Bon appétit!


Nutrition: Since I concocted this recipe myself, I have no idea how many calories it has. Does that mean it doesn’t have any!?! Well, at least I know it’s super healthy and vitamin packed! 🙂

Turkey Salad Recipe (Dairy-Free, Egg-free) Sweet Potato Tortas Topping

Allergy Friendly: Dairy-Free, Egg-Free, Gluten-Free

Makes Enough For: 8 torta toppings

Enjoy this simple and healthy turkey salad recipe alone or as a savory topping for my Sweet Potato Tortas (Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free).

Faithfully Yours,



  • 1 1/2 cups chopped white turkey (or a 12.5 oz. can)
  • 1 cup sweetened dried cranberries
  • 1 cup chopped celery
  • 1 cup chopped walnut
  • 2/3 cup vegan plain yogurt (or veganaise, mayo, Greek yogurt, etc…)
  • 1 diced leek (or 1 tablespoon dehydrated chopped onion, etc…)
  • salt to taste
  • parsley garnish (I always have the dried version on hand for this.)


Mix all of the ingredients, and salt according to taste. It can be prepared the night before and refrigerated. Spoon the mixture onto the centers of my sweet potato tortas recipe, when completed. Garnish with parsley. Bon appétit!


Nutrition: Since I concocted this recipe myself, I have no idea how many calories it has. Does that mean it doesn’t have any!?! Well, at least I know it’s super healthy and vitamin packed! 🙂

Origins of Le fidèLe Designs


For those of you who don’t speak français, “Le fidèle” means “the faithful”. It’s pronounced Luh-Fee-Dell. I had originally chosen the name as a reflection of my intrinsic beliefs…

FAITHFUL to God who graces me with the purest form of love
FAITHFUL to the family who with dedication stand by me always
FAITHFUL to the friends who remain near in more than just fair weather
FAITHFUL to leading an authentic life of integrity
FAITHFUL to establishing ripples directed toward benevolence
FAITHFUL to utilizing and sharing the creative gifts with which I have been blessed

After countless requests for creative guidance and instruction, I have decided to heed the advice of sharing my projects with more than just those around me. I ask for your support as I explore this new medium of expression. I also invite you to make requests and share your suggestions (in the comments section following each post), so that I may improve as we move forward together in the spirit of embracing that creativity which I believe resides within us all.

Faithfully Yours,